Empowered HomeFront

021. Defend Your Family Against Toxic Media Lies and Safeguard Their Virtue

Eric W Howell Season 1 Episode 21

In our latest talk, we shared how propaganda and toxic media are trying to undermine the values we hold dear. We talked about the real impact this has on our families and how we’ve taken steps to defend what truly matters. If you're serious about keeping your family’s values strong, join us as we dive deep into how to stand firm against these threats.

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Eric W Howell is not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, elect...

00:00 With the whole thing with propaganda and the media being so negative, you can't allow it to come in and consume your life.
00:09 Welcome to Empire at Homefront. We talked about health, wealth, and relationships. And let's not forget about the most important one, my friend.
00:15 That is fake. Cause I believe that we've all been lied to and that's the reason we're going to sit here and do a powwow about propaganda and how propaganda will, um, yeah, make you lose.
00:30 friends make you gain enemies. It makes you lose who you are though right like it makes you lose your standards and your values in your principles.
00:42 So like I you know when we were going to discuss this podcast I was like oh well let's talk about what the hot topic is right now right Olympics right and as Christians there's this whole thing around how these drag queens put on the last supper well look at it a couple ways right like I went back and
01:07 I studied it because well back up for a second so like everything that I was like consumed with it because they were making it seem like this was the last supper that they had done this ring I don't know how to say that word.
01:23 Renatment. Renatment of the sloth supper. And so that's all it was, right? Everybody was like, Oh, this is against Christianity.
01:30 They're coming out to get Christianity and everything. And like, I got sucked into it. Really bad. Because I'm like, how can they do this?
01:38 Like, how can they attack Christianity? Like before the Olympics. Like, this is the Olympics. This isn't even like, like this is where the best of the best come to compete in sports, this has nothing to do with sports and didn't make no sense.
01:59 So when we went to church, that was Saturday night and then Sunday morning we went to church and the preacher talked about it which kind of opened my eyes about it and then I came home and I know you're really big on talking about what is propaganda, right?
02:15 Because you're like you will get sucked into it is like the whole thing with Trump and is the whole thing with what's happening in our world We get sucked into what the media is telling us to do Yeah, or the media is telling us what to think The media is here feeding us all of this stuff, and it's It's
02:34 hatred right like it really is hatred. It's so many negative stuff I you know, we stopped watching the news a long time ago because we realized it was just making us hate the world which isn't the right thing either right like it's it's it's it's not right anyway with the Olympics I had read also sorry
02:58 the cards okay I get sidetracked it and I'm a squirrel and I see something and I look away the clothes of blind we're gonna have to close the We're in our new office by the way, that was great, but anyway, rough draft studio center, our little rough shares.
03:14 Yes. Yeah, eventually we'll get something new, but this is what we got for right now. It's getting it getting it done.
03:20 Getting it done. Getting it done. Getting it done. That's secuting. So we went back to the so we can hit the wall.
03:28 Then we can repeat. And then can go back and discover and learn some more. That's what we do, we skills that.
03:36 Okay, so back to the topic, as he gets off topic. That was on topic. No, it's not. I need to shave.
03:49 Go ahead. Squirrel. Okay, yes, I know everything is like jumbled. and I'm in Delong with a lot of stuff. You're good though, you're going good.
04:02 So anyway, back to the topic and hand, which is anyway. So then, you know, like I was having all this hatred come into my life because of what the media describe what that means hatred comes into your life though.
04:20 Well, it has so many negative feelings, right? My heart, which is like, toxic, very toxic energy, that's right. There's so many shocks at Ginergy knows what is going on and already it was already a rough week anyway for me and like I'll be I've been super emotional I don't know why maybe it's this funky
04:41 cold that's going on or we've had we've had some rough patches this week and I mean let's just be truthful right like yeah we we broke up Friday.
04:53 We broke up right. We came together Sunday. So anyway, it's been a super emotional roller coaster for me, and I'm still like battling, which I think there were outside factors.
05:05 Anyway, all this toxic energy was coming in, and I'm like, why? I hate this. Why would they do this? And I was questioning everything, and this hatred was building.
05:17 Because for one, we as Christians believe that man and woman should be together or mention and be dressing like women women shouldn't be dressing like man like there that's just what we believe right like and Was it mean though like just grab a lead right because when we was talking about now it's like
05:37 Hey Laurie planned the show, but we don't want to talk about propaganda. Yeah, we want to talk about Clearly identifying what it is is important to us And we're talking about understanding what your values are, understanding what your standards are, understanding what your principles are, that way you
05:56 can clearly articulate and identify why like you get sucked into the toxic energy, and then once you're in there, you're like, I don't really like being here, but you choose to continue to be there.
06:10 And why is it? Like what are the things? Well, I think for one, we're in such a world where our kids are consumed and get to be influenced by so much around us, right?
06:24 And as a parent, I feel like we have to protect some of that. Like, we want to protect their innocence, like our children, and their virtue.
06:33 And we're very careful how we protect it out. We stay stuff on TV, we say stuff to them, but it's because of what our principles are right like we believe a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man we don't believe the opposite but at the same time and this was a this was like a wall
06:55 well it's a reason why it's a reason why there was like we don't we don't push away people because they're getting there I'm getting there okay so there was this hard Look are hard stop for me because like I'm like the media is feeling this this energy, right?
07:17 This this really toxic energy about what is going on with our world When I stopped and I don't remember where I saw it But I read this thing that a pastor had written and it was like Jesus would have eaten supper with them if they were really intruly having a supper Jesus would have eaten with them because
07:38 Jesus ate the sinners He walked with sinners, he talked with sinners, he did everything we are sinners by nature. And it was like, oh my gosh, that is what's wrong with this world right now.
07:49 Like we forget what our principles are. And then we're not being Christians, we're not being godly, we're judging them for what we saw, but not who they are, right?
08:01 But we're condemning them before we even know them. Yeah. And that was a really like, oh, Lori, like stop. It really made me change and the show changed because when I started the show, it was different.
08:16 And then I'm like, no. So going forward is like, you're right. We might not exist. We don't believe what they believe.
08:27 And they have every right to believe what they want to believe. And I'm not going to condemn them or judge them based on their beliefs.
08:34 All I'm going to do is ask them not to bring it into our house. Don't bring it and force it down.
08:40 My children's right because that's not what we're teaching our children But we are also teaching our children to hold those principles and those values very strong and they're like And only so that they can Figure it out for themselves, right?
08:56 They have they know what they believe and that those beliefs are stronger than what everybody else is throwing at Yeah, and like I mean it was just this huge Why is that important to us?
09:10 What? Why is it important that we do not allow our children to be influenced through the propaganda that it is of society today?
09:20 The wokeness and the woke agenda? Why is that important to us? For starters, one thing I always tell my children that people should know that you're a Christian without having to tell them you're a Christian, which means that they should be portrayed those righteous things that God has taught us, those
09:41 righteous things that God tells us that are the right and the wrong. They should be portraying those even without having to tell people.
09:51 And if they're coming off and they're being ugly and stuff, they're not, they're not staying, they're not holding their principles, they're not holding those values, right?
09:59 so like for us we want to teach them to be this not not godly figure but have Jesus inside of them right because we all want that whole well again this is what I was trying to explain to you like you anybody can like get in on a subject like this and all of a sudden you're talking about like these mythical
10:22 things like they're not tangible and they're not executable right because they're not tangible because you can't clearly identify it because you can't clearly take action to do the thing.
10:34 Now you're talking a lot of hypotheticals. And I want to make sure that we remove the hypotheticals because in instance, in short, the reason I don't want my children to influence this is I want them to grow up to have families and have families where they produce and reproduce children.
10:54 And the way they do that is is my daughter will marry a man. They'll have a child. My sons will marry a woman They'll have a child and they'll reproduce like I don't want to get in on the topic of like adoption and all these other things because that's not what I value Right, that's not a tangible thing
11:12 now by doing that Now we're breaking it down and saying okay, what's it? What about value? Well for when identify what's values and values is what we hold dear and what's important to us.
11:24 What's important to me is that my children grow up and to become producing adults. That means they, what does that sound funny?
11:37 It does sound funny. So we want our children to grow up and we want them to contribute to society by having more, Well, you contribute to society, really, you choose not to.
11:45 It's just at the level of contribution. But in order for a society to continue to grow, we have to have our kids.
11:52 Our kids will have to have babies. We want grand babies and we want our children to have, you know, we want to experience it all.
11:59 And that's also a tie us into that value of eye value legacy, right? Like that is something that I truly value and legacy, meaning I produce children who will also grow up and take a part of that legacy.
12:15 I don't want them to become a junior me. I want them to be their own people, but the same time that legacy is identified by having those standards and principles and values that they live by, right?
12:28 It's like my boys grow to be men and they represent being a man who knows what he stands for. And that's going to attract a woman that It appreciates a man being a man in living by those standards, right?
12:43 If somebody's broke down on the road, they stopped and they helped. You know, something simple. Old lady, old man walking into restaurant, they open the door out of respect for their elders.
12:54 Yeah. Not this whole propaganda stuff. It's very clear and it's very tangible. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Yeah, it's just, if you don't, if you don't keep those principles and those values and you hold them, then I'm not saying like you hold them on a pedestal, but they're almost on a pedestal, right, like those
13:14 are really important. There's, there's levels to this, right, like that's something that I want, like also just say what it is, right, like this is my level of standard, right, standards are measured, okay, like if you don't stand for protecting a woman's Weaker in the body, right?
13:35 Like if a man attacks you, I want to step in. Yeah, if a giant woman attacks you I'm probably still going to step in right in because Well, you're that's not your role.
13:47 My role is to step in as a defender as a hunter I go out make money, but then also every decision I make is Protecting us you have a role as well, right?
13:58 And that is what? caretaker caretaker right you're you're loving you're you're building a relationship like the emotional needs right and obviously like you know men can have a role in that but like the the the man's role in a family is to be the hunter right which is a hole in the topic yeah right you
14:23 can probably talk like days on that yeah men they become men again right like this and there's not to row with a woman being a hunter either.
14:31 That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is though masculinity is a trait that literally coccures and protects civilizations.
14:41 And without masculinity. I'm talking about. We are. We are, right? Because of the Olympics, what is that actually threatening? And that's my whole purpose.
14:51 My whole point is, it's like you're having an Olympics, which is literally the best of the best. Yeah. All right.
14:57 And then their opening ceremony is literally portraying a bunch of people who have issues, okay? Like, Wait, but you're not supposed to judge it.
15:08 I'm not judging. I'm just calling it out for what it is. But I do want to make a point back to the opening thing.
15:15 So when you're watching stuff on the news or you're watching stuff, you really need to go figure it out. You really need to go, if it's really bothering you, go look at it.
15:24 So I went and I looked at it, right? Like I went last night and I researched it and I watched it and like they're they're similarities but in everything there could be some similarities, right?
15:39 Like you could probably like take something and just make it into what you want it, what you really want it to be seen as.
15:46 And that's probably good, right? It's marketing. And so So they, I mean, this last supper had 12 people, this had 17 people.
15:56 But the thing about it was, this was a runway, Paris's fashion capital of the world, everybody knows that. So somehow that fashion, it was a fashion walk or a catwalk.
16:10 I mean, a grown man dressed up in all blue paint wearing a long cloth is a fashion. But they didn't have, but they did have a fashion show on that it wasn't set up as a table, it was set up as a table.
16:26 But to the point though, it goes back to I clearly understand what I value. And there's nothing about a grown man in a loincloth that stressed up in blue that I value.
16:36 I get that right. And there's nothing about a 400 pound woman that I value either. Well, that was in that was literally she was the center of the table.
16:47 Well, she's in. Yeah, but that wasn't the point of this though. The point is is that we got so wrapped up or I did get so caught up in that this was a thing against Christians, and it really wasn't.
17:04 But I didn't know that until I studied it myself, right, and I allowed that hatred from the catwalk or whatever it is from that little piece of a ceremony to influence how I felt about the world for a few days.
17:24 And I was like, oh, stop, Lori, like you're, you're, you're allowing this hatred to come in and you're not, you're not being very, like, you're not being Christian.
17:35 I mean, let's just say that. And that's what I'm saying though, like, it's what I'm pointing out is is the tangible and executable steps to not allow that toxicity to come into your world.
17:46 And that's what I'm saying. and like, I don't really care about the whole situation. Yeah. But if you talk about it to me, I'm gonna have a very clear answer to you.
17:57 And I'm gonna say, hi, I think that's funny. And yeah, I mean, yes, the whole thing is. It doesn't fit anything that I value and I won in life, so I'm not gonna allow it to penetrate my life.
18:08 Yeah, but I mean, yes, and I get that whole thing. List reason I'm talking about values and standards, right? But I mean, back to like, the media is going to get even more ramped up with the lecture and coming and stuff like that.
18:25 But as even back going backwards a little bit, I mean, how many times will I come with you and I'd read a title of something and like, you're like, well, Laurie, is it true?
18:38 Like, Laurie, did you actually like read the article? Did you just read the headline? I'm like, but that's what the headline said.
18:46 Like, why would they write me if the headline, like, if it wasn't, Because it's called a hook. Exactly. So like, they suck you in and then come to find out, and then you're doing your own investigation work on is like, oh, it wasn't even that, right?
19:02 And the media is really bad about this. For some reason, the media is so negative. So negative. Well, it's not for some reason, it's literally because of the human psychology.
19:14 They're creating property and around. Well, human kind of psychology like humans are naturally more intended to talk about more of the negative than they are the positive.
19:24 So if all the headlines were positive, they would have less clicks. They would have less views. They would be less.
19:30 Yeah. Daisy chain propaganda would come off of it. So they always talk about negative. The negative affects us. It affects our heart.
19:39 It affects our body. It affects our mind. It affects everything around us. Yeah because when we're negative we're experiencing it and we're not very happy people right and like who are we gonna take what we're feeling we're gonna somehow maybe unintentionally but it's gonna be passed back down to our
20:00 kids and then we're creating this leap that keeps happening over and over and over and I think like for me like my big takeaway this week or learning about this is like, stop, look at what really happened before I make the judgment, look at myself inside and then decide from there.
20:24 Because if I'm not looking with inside first, and I'm just passing judgments on everybody else, then I'm not. Oh, and this leads into the Bible, though, right?
20:35 And I told you, like, if I were a home friend, Like I'm like the last thing I want to do is be considered a Bible thomper because I don't like Bible thomper Right, I don't even like going to church You and take the kids to church and I fully support that but like the reason I don't like going to church
20:51 is because in my Experience the church is filled with judge mental people. They're fake They're not fake like they're real people, but they're judgmental, but yet they say oh well I'm a Christian and I go to church and because I go to church then And you drinker, you do this and you do that.
21:09 And like that's a sin. Then they wake up Monday morning and sin. But we're all sinners, right? Even the dry queens or whatever they're up there, they're sinning because that goes against God's principles for us and how we should be living.
21:26 And it goes against my principles, raising my children so I don't participate. Yeah, but you know what? They are free to live their lives.
21:33 All I do is ask that they're nice. I'm nice, my kids are nice and respectful to them and they're nice and respectful to us.
21:41 Just, you know, don't be teaching our children your ways because we are responsible for our children. Well, that's the thing, right?
21:47 That's, you just said, don't be teaching our children your ways. That's the big issue because as parents, we're constantly in a war of trying to protect our children's virtue and the path that they're going to take to get to their futures.
22:04 So by that happening, now it's all over the place. Their friends are talking about it. Their friends' parents are talking about it.
22:12 Everywhere they go, it's gonna be talked about. And now our children are left in a place of, do they have the ammunition, do they have the tools to make clear and concise decisions to battle that war?
22:26 But then us as parents, now we're put into position where no matter what, we have to sit down and have a talk with our children.
22:35 And we've got to talk to them about things that maybe we are not ready to talk to them yet. That's the big thing.
22:43 Right. And I was listening this morning to a guy and it was funny. It wasn't funny, but it was like it made you sit.
22:52 It was like, when you figure out that you're not your children's biggest influences. Yeah, take a heart look because you're not.
23:02 It's who your kids are around. It's the environment you put them in. It's your friends parents and their friends, your parents are not your, we're not our kids greatest influences.
23:14 But what we we we will try to do and what we try really hard every day to do is make sure that we're setting setting them up for what values we holding deer and that we hope that they make the right choices or their choices.
23:32 You know what? Because I mean as parents we fell to right like we we do things wrong so they can only learn from our mistakes but we hope that we set them up that they are living and righteous.
23:46 They only learn from our mistakes if we admit our mistakes in front of them and that's something that you I think it's challenging everybody.
23:55 I mean, even husbands and wives emitting their own mistakes to each other Right, like that's a constant battle as well because y'all what you're always fighting ego We'll just you know Our beliefs is art.
24:08 We teach our children to treat others like they want to be treated and we teach them to be kind And we teach them to be respectful.
24:17 But see each one of those has a different different different definition in certain families right and that's something too and that's where I'm talking about like you can't just say these things you can't say well we teach our kids to be respectful well what what is respectful to me is different than
24:34 other people right like I want my kids to say yes sir no man open the door for elders but like I mean I've got a story where we went to Vegas I'm in uniform and opening a door for elderly lady in Vegas and she yells at me for opening the door up.
24:52 But here I am a man from the South going into Las Vegas, Nevada, this full of like different people and it pissed her off.
25:03 It's a different environment, right? And I just said, I'm sorry, man, I didn't mean anything by it and I continued to open the door for, right?
25:11 But like, I'm not going to let her prevent me from open the door for you or anybody else, right? I'm going to continue to live those because that's what I value.
25:21 So like with propaganda coming into an infiltrating your world, how can we clearly identify the values and beliefs?
25:34 How does that work? Oh my goodness. When we talked about this, like I know it's just like for me I'm going I won't allow that stuff to come back into I'm not saying it won't ever come back in because I'm sure I'm here oh yeah you get sucked up into oh I'll get into the she's watching TV show and it's
25:54 literally drama something like the name of the show is drama something whatever it is gossip girl gossip girl like tell me that that's toxic without telling me as toxic.
26:10 She's telling she's she only like I'm not gonna get into it's just a TV show and I don't want to see this is values right like you value that I am disgusted by it.
26:23 Yeah instead we want shragbozi into it. I mean the boys love Jericho Dragon Ball Z. I don't like Dragon Ball Z.
26:32 I don't like anime so that's We're doing mostly as an anime. It's a cartoon build with cool fights Anyway, you can call it what it is.
26:42 I like something different. You like it. Yeah, it's something for me But I also don't like I'm also very careful not to have cost of girl on the kids in the room because I know it is Gossiping and I know but and I like drama like I like good drama shows Anyway, just sum this up because I am having to
27:02 go to gymnastics here in just a few minutes. Because our son wants to be a Olympic gymnast after watching a men's gymnast this morning.
27:12 Yeah, but like it's my value when I really do believe is that I should not be filling my heart with hatred because I can't be the loving and kind person.
27:25 and I want to be my heart is full of hatred, right? And so my big principle is, is that, you know, I do.
27:33 I want to live like Jesus is in. Like I want to walk Jesus's path, but I'm a sinner. So, you know, like there's things for that.
27:43 But like I want to emanate Jesus. You gotta constantly work towards it. And I do, right? Like it's an ongoing matter because you've got all this influence and as soon as nature, like you're going to sin, right?
27:57 But I don't want to, I don't want to. You get those little thoughts to tell you, oh, you can have that right so you can treat.
28:03 Oh, God, you can drink that Dr. Pepper, you'll be fine. But like, you're not with the whole thing with proper can and the media being so negative.
28:13 You can't allow it to come in and consume real life. Go out and figure out if it's true or not.
28:19 Like, yes, there are some things that we will learn that goes totally against our beliefs and that is it is like the start like what the great we should not be running towards hatred in our all is we should be coming with more love we should be coming with more passion.
28:34 I'll say this is simple is isn't benefiting you and your goals and where you're trying to get to whether that be your family or not if it is not don't participate like it is that simple just ignore I just like absolutely nor so might want to talk about it, you know, say, hey, yeah, that's cool and walk
28:52 away, you know, politely, like just don't even engage in it, you know? And I know it's hard. I get sucked into it too.
28:59 And I get sucked into it now because like, I'm trying to understand people at a better level so I can serve them better, but like, but you have to be careful how we talk because then our kids start talking like that.
29:10 And that's not what we want. We want our kids to make their own decisions and add their own thoughts and not have.
29:16 And trust me, I have heard Kaylee a lot of times have your thoughts. I'm just like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, because that's not let her be her.
29:26 Because you do, you do, the Kaylee is this such, this loving and gentle soul. And I want to protect that.
29:34 Yeah, me too. I don't want her to have this negative life. Okay. Okay. So we don't like things in this.
29:41 Naturally, I am like, I know So one of my thing is I am a naturally more negative person and I went years being super negative.
29:50 And now I'm constantly working on that to try to get better back to it a lot. Yeah. And that's the mistake of my own that I own.
29:58 But you know, to sum this up, the biggest thanks for us to understand is one, you don't have to participate, but to clearly identify what your values are and your beliefs to get there.
30:12 So if there was a target, your target would be your values. And if me and Lori sat down and we wrote down on one side of the piece of paper, all the things that we value on the other side of the paper.
30:26 Which are things that are important to us, right? Our values are everything that is important to us. So on our don't value, it would be on my side, gossip girl.
30:37 And then on her side, it would be Dragon Ball Z. But you know, on the things we value on, like we're married, we've been married for what, almost 20 years?
30:46 Fifteen. We've been married 15? Together for 19. See, if we've been together, that was married. So it's a time we started dating, like I've been with you.
30:57 So 19 years together, married. Together. Together, not married, together. So, but if you do that exercise, like that'll help bring some clarity.
31:09 And then you can say, Hey, I don't value this and I'm not going to participate when it shows up in my feed, and literally you unfollow or you don't you ignore it or you spend less time on it all together.
31:23 Well, it's like it's and it's just simple too, right? I and I know I might have been some people and I really do not care, but like I have that's offensive in itself.
31:33 I have people on Facebook that I am friends with Facebook that you know that that have asked me and so what I've met them over the years, I framed them.
31:42 But when I constantly am seeing negative stuff and I mean the toxicity in them and it's just like, oh every time I see their name I'm just I get this like, oh like what are they posting now and I know it's going to I delete them.
32:00 What you're saying, though, because I've been paying attention to this because I do the same thing because that's when people show me what they value, and it is not what I value, I don't want them in my life.
32:13 And right now, unfortunately, like that is hitting hard in the political realm, you know, because I made a post of the day, and it was two questions.
32:21 And it was just which candidate will create the better future for my children and which candidate will prevent us from being in wars.
32:32 And I just, that's it. And it got really political, you know, it went straight to Democrat Republican and then I had like people commenting and it's like he didn't say party and I didn't, I didn't mean it to be party, right?
32:45 And then I also had people comment and there was like, oh, it's so funny whenever one Inside thinks that there's no propaganda influence in the other side I'm like, I didn't say that either because they both have Massive propaganda.
32:59 Yeah, it's literally marketing right wait. That's their job Yeah, the issue is is they control your thoughts and you don't have control of your own thoughts So now your values get Deluded your values become toxic and you get confused And that's what I want to challenge everybody, you know, if you're 
33:19 having that problem right down what you value, and then right down what you don't value, and then clearly identify that and be able to clearly communicate it.
33:30 And for the most part, I would say that we all value the same thing, but our beliefs on how to get there are completely different.
33:39 And this is the big lesson. if you can understand this, then you all start to understand why people get in disagreements, why people don't get along.
33:48 Because like me and Lori, we're married, we value, majority of everything the same. But we'll still get into disagreements because our beliefs to get to that value are different.
33:59 Like the way we raise our kids, my belief is one way, her belief is another way. We immediately butt heads and now it is up to us to actually have a conversation and say, Hey, okay, I understand why you believe that doing that will get here.
34:16 Well, I believe that doing this will get there, right? Same point of origin, right? We're trying to hit the same target.
34:23 And we have to be able to slower, slower, temper down, slower, emotions down. Have that conversation and say, Okay, you believe this?
34:33 Well, So what is that because beliefs are made up of standards and principles, standards are your rules and your principle is that overlying rule and ideology that gets there is the big idea, right?
34:50 And then you take that whole concept, the target is the values. The arrow is the standard and then the actual bow that sends the arrow, that's your principles.
35:03 And if you can live like that, if you can really understand that and then start working towards clearly communicating that tactical, that executable action, right, like even me and you, like that's what I constantly talk about.
35:20 I'm like, hey, like, let's just control our emotions. And I get emotional, you get emotional. And then we have to, you know, we got to get better and we got to come back together and say, okay, hey, let's clearly identify this stuff.
35:32 Yeah. Right. Yeah. All right. With that guys, we're going to wrap up. Yeah. Hope you enjoyed Pirate Homefront. We got way more coming to you.
35:41 And just remember there's three different shows here. There's shows within the show. We have an Pirate Homefront show, which is this right here.
35:47 What you just heard is me and Lori and other families and married couples and individuals talking about the big things in life, talking about relationships, talking about ideas and principles the great wealth.
36:02 And then there's young achievers where it's talking about more of our children, other people's children doing big things. We want to create that community where they can learn quicker.
36:13 And then we have the Dillball show and the Dillball show is what you really want to listen to because we're going to tell you exactly what to do to become financially free.
36:21 I was able to we was able to become financially free at a 33 32 years old and having a look back right it's been blast.
36:29 And we got a lot of cool things coming out in the future. Look out for events that we're hosting. We're going to be hosting a lot of free events to really pour into you guys.
36:39 And maybe I can work Gloria to be in a big part of those as well. But anyway, until next time guys.
36:47 Bye.

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