Empowered HomeFront

024.Stop Losing Leads: The Bullseye Method That Works

Eric W Howell Season 1 Episode 24

In this episode, I reveal how I overcame the challenges of traditional lead management by developing the Bullseye Marketing Method, a strategy that transformed my business. You'll learn the flaws of the old cold, warm, and hot lead system and how this new approach streamlines the process of identifying, nurturing, and converting leads. Backed by real-world success, this method simplifies scaling your team and ensures you focus on the leads that truly matter. Curious about how to implement this in your business? Listen in to find out. 

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Eric W Howell is not a CPA, attorney, insurance, contractor, lender, or financial advisor. The content shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health & safety, elect...

 00:31 All right, what's up guys? We jump back on here today to talk about something that is very very special and changed the game for me completely. 00:41 And I want to talk about what it is not. Well, it is not this ancient art and this overly complicated industry standard of actually getting leads. 00:57 All right, like cold, warm and hot. If you're still doing this, this is this is a thing of the pass. 01:04 About two years ago, I started building and scaling my team. And I just found that it was really, really hard to train somebody to understand what a seller was saying and where they were on the funnel, like if they were more of a hot lead, if they're more of a warm lead, if they're more of a cold lead 01:26 , it was so hard for me to train what that sounded like whenever they didn't They have 1,000 reps, 2,000 reps, 3,000 reps. 01:36 They weren't experienced, but yet I'm building a team of virtual assistants. And then that's when I finally got frustrated and I started thinking outside the box and got rid of this so-called cold, warm and hot lead system. 01:53 So if you're still using this, this is the thing of the path. And you end up spending two, three, four hours with people that you think that is warm and hot, but actually they're cold. 02:17 And that's where I came across and we created what we train our team with now is the bullseye marketing method, right? 02:25 like this is the thing guys because whenever you start to learn and study marketing which I did not know and instead I just paid you know real estate gurus you know 20 40 50 thousand dollars and I joined multiple of them and they all they all fed me the same stuff I would never say that it wasn't worth 02:46 the money because I made my money back tenfold however they never taught me how to actually scale of business. And they never actually taught me how to market and how to generate leads and convert them to deals. 03:01 So when you look at your operation and you break it into four buckets, you've got your stage one, your communication. 03:11 Oh, let me get my mouse over there. Your stage one communication, this is something that I think that everybody overlooks and unless you're actually pumping out data. 03:23 All right, if you are getting a large list and let's just say, you know, the list is 1,000 or 5,000 records in a county or in a city and you're running through that list, co-calling or texting or trying to just, you know, find somebody to figure out how to get in touch with them. 03:44 The issues inside a stage one is you don't know how to contact them. So you don't even know which phone number is the correct one. 03:53 You don't know which email is the correct one. You don't know which mailing address is the correct one. And you run into all those issues in stage one. 04:00 So that's the bucket. And then if you look at it as, Hey, this list is stage one list. I need to go in there and clean it. 04:11 But now you can understand what bulk marketing is for. And I see so many people I fell in this trap too. 04:19 We're like I'm paying for a dialer or I'm paying for like launch control, which is like I don't know six hundred bucks a month um And we're blasting out you know text and we're getting a hold of people. 04:31 We're getting leads. We're getting deals But at the same time I didn't get to clean my list like we didn't get anything built up over time So that's the reason you know, we started really putting some thought into this this bullseye marketing method and with stage one And our entire goal there is to 04:48 find the correct phone number, the correct email, the correct address. And once we find that, now we move them into the Bullseye marketing. 05:01 Bullseye, meaning every time I contact this person, I don't have to worry about, is the phone number disconnected? Is the phone number dead? 05:12 Is the phone number wrong? Is it their neighbor? Is it their daughter? Is it their son? I don't have to worry about those things because in stage 1 my team, the lowest quality team members, have already verified that, right? 05:28 We call those people prospectors, right? Like there's prospectors, there's lead managers, and there's closers. Sometimes you might throw in a setter, right? 05:39 So lead manager, you can break that into two different categories as well. You have your bottom tier lead manager and then you have what's called a setter, who's actually setting that appointment. 05:49 But in stage one, you can burn through your phone numbers. You can burn through your actual system and it's kind of dangerous, especially in today's world, right? 06:01 I mean, texting is almost illegal, especially if you don't get it's a bullseye marketing. 06:12 And there's two stages in bullseye marketing. And you gotta understand that now we identified how to contact a seller, how to contact them every time that way we can follow up with them. 06:24 And it doesn't have to be us, the entrepreneur, the owner spending time to do that because I also know that that lead isn't high quality. 06:35 Instead, that lead is least aware. meaning they own a property. We know how to contact them. We've identified all those things, but they're not a motivated seller. 06:48 And then we can move into most of where, stage three, most of where. Most of where we've identified some type of pain. 06:56 And because we identified some type of pain, now we start to nurture them more and more and more. And we also put our better setters on those leads, right? 07:07 If not closers. And then once they're in the most aware, this is where we really start to build relationships with them because after all, you, you know, over 80 percent of all sales are made after the fifth follow-up. 07:23 But so many people only follow up one time, if they even follow up one time, they get a hold of them and they never call them back. 07:33 And most of the reason you don't ever call them back is because you don't know who to call that because it's too much to keep track of like I used to have like a notebook in my truck and I'm gonna go to work and like that's where I kept the owner's names and phone numbers and their addresses and I would 07:50 follow up with them while I'm on my breaks but it was so complicated to follow up with them not only that but anytime I started paying for outbound marketing or sorry inbound marketing meaning I was sending out direct mail and and any time I received a phone call on that number, like I needed to answer 08:08 it right then and there. And a lot of times because I was working, I would miss that, right? And then it runs into the issue of, who do I follow up with when I get home or get on a break? 08:19 Right, you've gotta know these things. And if you have these four buckets, it makes your lead management system so smooth. 08:28 Because in the stage three, now you can push them straight to stage four conversion where you're actually getting them up on our contract and now your closer is working on them, but your closer is only focused on leads that are the most motivated and not only is the lead most motivated, but the actual 08:48 property itself is a good property like it's a deal. And you know that because inside of stage two and stage three, you train a team to actually do all that work for you and fill all that stuff out. 09:02 All right, and this stuff, we go deep in this. We go deep into this inside the company, and anyway, Thursday, I'm gonna be going even deeper into this and actually showing you how to actually implement this. 09:14 Because this right here, I promise you, like you can go set this up on your own, but it's way more to it than just these four buckets. 09:24 Like we're talking about actual follow-up systems, then let me give you a little peek. all right so we got this little pop-up things right most of where now it's pumping out some gold all right I had to play around a little bit all right so if we were training your your setter or your lead manager the 09:44 first thing they need to identify is is what type of conversation they're having and we rank those conversations so in each stage there's multiple many stages and those many stages are nothing more than, hey, I talked to Bob and the conversation I had with Bob was this. 10:07 So for instance, like a really popular one is a dreamer. All right, a dreamer is least aware. Okay. A dreamer sounds like this. 10:16 Yeah, I'm going to talk to you. And then you ask them, hey, how much do you want to be your property? 10:22 Oh, give me a 350. And then you pull it up really quick and you look at the zestimary you look you know wherever you're you're pulling your your um quick and dirty at and the property's worth like 120 all right that's a dreamer right yeah they would take that probably or they're just like pulling your 10:42 leg most likely they don't want to sell at all or they really do not trust you and very rarely if somebody's actually motivated are they just going to continuously blow you off and continuously spit out a high number. 10:58 Like they're actually in the market to sell, then they're going to talk to you and try to get an actual offer out of you. 11:05 And then we call that a fisherman, right? So that would be another least aware. But in the fisherman stage, it would sound like, well, just make me an offer. 11:15 Would just make me an offer, right? And they're just like, well, you know, and they're fishing, They're just fishing but there's no pain there and either you can't you're either one not good enough on the phone or two There is no pain to be had and they're just fishing, right? 11:31 But I know plenty of people that you know, they just want to know how much their property's worth, you know If they receive the phone call for somebody and They're interested in buying the property. 11:42 They're probably not even interested in selling it But they would hear a number because it would make them feel good Right, and if you offer them a number that made them feel good like you know that they accomplish what they want to accomplish But they're still not a seller right and I'm hanging out 11:57 right here in this least aware area All right now most aware this is where we identify some pain and Now that we identify some pain now we're spending more time with them So we're falling up with them either daily or every three days or every ten days and We're having really good conversations. 12:15 We're providing support we're providing help like we work with a lot of foreclosers in this stage where you know they're getting documents, et cetera. 12:23 And then you roll into stage four conversion. Now I want to point out the five stages of grief down here because this will identify what that conversation sounds like. 12:36 And if you can, if you've got enough reps to understand what the seller's conversation sounds like, you can really start to understand if you should spend time with this person. 12:45 I teach my team that they should really be on and off of the phone within three to five minutes meaning they should have a long enough conversation to figure out where they're at and rank them but that conversation be short enough in order to move to the next one because either way they were not able 13:04 to close that seller right because they don't have the skills and then we would have a setter or a higher caliber lead manager follow them back up or even a closer right so in any one of these stages even stage one, a lead can absolutely go from stage one straight to stage four. 13:23 However, 99% of all of your leads will not. They will have to go through all of these because people just don't trust you, right? 13:34 And because they don't trust you, that's one of my team members now, chatting it, because people don't trust you, they need to spend a little bit more time with you and get to know you. 13:44 Now, if we looked at the actual system, this is literally our system. We should stop. And this tells my team exactly what they're doing, right? 13:58 It ranks the conversation, and then also it assigns them a follow-up, right? And then we run into stage three. And then we run into stage four. 14:07 And then stage four, we break that up into other three phases. is all the way to a contract, all right. 14:13 But anyway, hopefully you got something out of this. This is the bullseye marketing system. It's, we've got this built already inside of a business and it can, we can literally plug you right into this operation. 14:29 If that's something you would like, then you're probably gonna wanna check out Thursday's event and the links in the comments, just jump in there and I'm gonna go deeper into this and I'm gonna show you how you can actually tactically do this in the future. 14:43 That way either your women show now or maybe you already have a team, but either way, marketing, consistent marketing that's actually pumping out every day that you don't have to figure out who you should talk to, when you should talk to them. 14:58 It's the key to actually scaling and actually getting consistent deal flow. If you're interested, it's free event, check it out. 

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